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The Cabinet of the History of Pharmacy in the Grodna Region

The state pharmacy network of the Grodna region stepped over its 75-year milestone. For such a period of work, you can take an intermediate result and have something to tell about the various stages in the development of pharmacy business for the younger generation.

To this end, the cabinet of the history of pharmacy business was opened in Grodna region on the basis of pharmacy No. 3 in Grodna, vul. Antonava, 4. The choice of the place is not accidental, because this pharmacy itself is justly proud of its more than 70-year history, and pharmacists number 3 provided medicinal assistance during the Great Patriotic War.

The official opening was preceded by the painstaking work of pharmacy workers throughout the region, and veterans of the industry on a well-deserved vacation did not stand aside. Together, an exposition was created with the reproduction of various pharmacy premises.

Entering the history room, we immediately find ourselves in the exhibition hall, equipped with showcases, in which there are exhibits related to the pharmacy business of different times.

The presented exhibits belong to the XIX-XX centuries, one can see the 4th Russian Pharmacopoeia in 1891, the State Pharmacopoeia of the VII edition - 1933 and 1942; State Pharmacopoeia 8 editions - 1946, 1952. etc., pharmacy utensils, pharmacy bottles, table scales, a metal cutter for grinding medicinal plants, a sphygmomanometer, a microscope, an alcoholometer (gilded), signatures of various pharmacies in Grodna of that time (Drugstore Stanislaw Shvienhrubien, Klinkawshtejn, Saul Shvarc, Novy Sviet pharmacy V. Sakalowskaga in Vilnia, Pharmacy No. 2, Grodna, Hinderburgstrasse, 7 times WWII), etc.

Stylistically designed scrolls and stands set out interesting historical facts, narrating about the changes in pharmacy business from the Middle Ages to the present.

This is The History of the Belarusian Land and the Pharmacy, The First Pharmacies in Grodna Region, The Oath of the Pharmacist - the 17th Century, The First Pharmacy Charter - 1789, The History of Drug Discovery (from the 4th century to the present), and much more.

Particular attention is paid to the veterans of the pharmacy service of the company, which at various times made a significant contribution to the development and functioning of pharmacy organizations in our region. This information is presented in albums, photos of pharmacies and pharmacy workers, heads of the pharmacy service of the Grodna region and the BSSR from the post-war years up to the present times, including the "Book of People's Glory" with photos and memoirs of participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Having familiarized with the history of the pharmacy service of the region as a whole, we move on to the next room - the trading hall, which is designed in accordance with the description of pharmacies of the 19th century. The working counter of the pharmacist was recreated with a cash register, a showcase. On the working table of the head of the pharmacy - a book of orders written in ink, the "calculator" of the last century - wooden scores.

In order to represent the variety of substances of powders, liquids, ointment bases, from which numerous medicines were manufactured in pharmacies, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the names of the existing glass and ceramic bars. Poisonous and narcotic ("A" "Venena") and powerful means ("B" "Heroica") in olden times were stored in chests, in another way, in chests, which were forged and very reliable.

At all times, various decoctions and drugs from herbal medicines have been widely used in the treatment. This section is devoted to a small, comfortably furnished colorful furniture in retro power with elements of forging room - phytobar. Here, infundary devices and other devices used to make medicinal herbal drinks are presented.

About how the vegetable raw material is crushed and the medicine is transformed, is presented in the premise for grinding and packing of medicinal plant raw materials. There are also cutters of the 19th century and modern grinders, as well as sieves, pharmacy scales.

You can get acquainted with the pharmacy manufacture in mini-assistant, which is equipped with pharmacy equipment of the Soviet-era pharmacies: an assistant's desk, turntables, barbells, weights, weights, cylinders, mortars, a pill, a pouring machine. On the stand photos of assistant, from post-war to modern, as well as photographs of assistant pharmacists at work with the use of means of small mechanization (dispensers of liquids, electric suction unit, powder dispenser), etc.

To check the quality control of the medicines manufactured in the pharmacy, an analytical cabinet was reconstructed that has all the necessary equipment: refractometers, laboratory utensils, the first analytical table, the titration unit, and the special literature on drug quality control in pharmacies.

The museum presents various instruments and devices that helped the pharmacist in the process of making medicines. On the shelves made in retro style with forging and chains, a drying cabinet, an autoclave, a distiller, a crimping tool, agitators, grinders, mortars of different sizes, etc. are presented.

Separately allotted space from the panel of the Alchemists.

The main organizer of the cabinet of history is Galina Mikhailovna Petrishche, a pharmacist of the highest category, a great professional and enthusiastic pharmacy. Largely due to her dedication, her passion for the history of her profession and her desire to preserve and pass on the historical heritage to the younger generation, the history room functions today.

Among the first visitors in the history cabinet were veterans of the pharmacy service of Grodna. They shared their memories with the young generation of the company about their working days, about colleagues - participants in the Great Patriotic War.

The historical exposition in the pharmacy business history cabinet in Grodna will be interesting for graduates of medical and pharmaceutical universities, colleges, for students and schoolchildren (for career counseling), pharmacy veterans, pharmaceutical workers, as well as for all those interested in the history of their land.

The museum history of pharmaceutical business in Grodna region functions in the building of the pharmacy №3 at the address of Grodna, vul. Antonava, 4 (admission is free)

Working hours: Wednesday-Friday 10.00-18.00; Saturday 10.00-16.00.

Sunday-Tuesday - closed

Tel. +375 (152) 62-01-24

The time of collective visit is discussed privately.

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